
I am a policy, advocacy, and research consultant focusing on child welfare, gender-based violence, and economic justice. Most broadly, I aim to facilitate large-scale divestment from systems of harm and direct investment into families and communities. In all of my work, I draw from my personal and professional experiences supporting children and families impacted by systemic and interpersonal harms. These experiences have shaped my commitment to building power in communities most impacted by structural violence and my particular interest in building relationships across the commonly siloed movements working to do so.

I’ve previously served as a Practicum Instructor at Columbia School of Social Work and as the Director of Policy & Advocacy at a grassroots legislative advocacy organization focused on narrowing the scope of the child welfare system. While receiving my Masters in Social Work from Columbia University, I was awarded the Fisher Cummings Fellowship to research policies impacting unaccompanied youth at the Southern border and buyers of commercially sexually exploited children at the federal Office of Trafficking in Persons. 

Outside of work, I organize with Survived and Punished California and am a co-convener of the Mandated Reporters Against Mandated Reporting organizing space.

I have written for the Boston Globe, The Nation, CUNY Law Review, and Columbia Social Work Review. I also regularly guest lecture at law and social work schools, and have spoken about my work at the New York State and New York City chapters of the National Association of Social Workers, George Washington University’s Center for Community Resilience, New York City Bar Association, Barnard Center for Research on Women, Black Maternal Health Conference, Law 4 Black Lives, and more.